Surrogate Mother FAQ's
Q. How quickly will I be matched?
SoCal Surrogacy knows how excited everyone is to get started on their journey, so we work hard to make sure you have the perfect match from the beginning. There are many factors that can attribute to the match such as location, willingness to carry multiples, willingness to reduce if necessary, etc. We base our matches on specific requirements from both the Intended parents and our Gestational Carriers.
Q. Do I have to take injectable medications?
Every Fertility Clinic follows their own exclusive protocol. The Gestational Carrier will be required to follow her specific calendar put together by her third party reproductive nurse. The medications prescribed can be, but are not limited to: Birth Control (sometimes given to manipulate the Gestational Carriers cycle), Pre-Natal Vitamins, Lupron (injectable), Estrogen & Progesterone (these can come in pill, suppository, or injectable form).
Q. Do I use my own eggs?
No. SoCal Surrogacy only works with Gestational Carriers, not traditional Surrogate Mothers. Being a Gestational Carrier means the intended parents use their own eggs or eggs from a previously chosen egg donor. A fully tested embryo is transferred to your uterus for you to care for until delivery.
Q. Can I use my own OB and deliver at the hospital of my choosing?
Yes, once you are released from the fertility clinic, which is around 12 weeks, you will be able to continue your care with the OB that you trust and feel most comfortable with. The only requirement is that your OB & delivering hospital is in your insurance network.
Q. How much will I be compensated?
SoCal Surrogacy start the first time Gestational Carrier’s compensation at $38,000. Experienced Gestational Carriers start at $43,000 and go up with each successful and uncomplicated surrogate delivery. Please contact us to discuss your situation and review the complete benefit package.
Q. Will all of my expenses be covered?
There are no out of pocket expenses to our Gestational Carriers. If so, they are usually very minimal and you will always be reimbursed for them.
Q. What are the requirements to become a Gestational Carrier?
• Be a U.S. Citizen
• You must be at least 21 years of age for the signing of the legal contracts
• Have a healthy BMI
• No complications from/during your previous pregnancies or deliveries
• Have at least 1 child that you are mothering
• No smoking/drug use
• Clean background record
Q. Are there any risks associated with being a Surrogate?
• Blood Drawing - mild discomfort and some risk of developing a bruise at the needle site.
• Reaction to Fertility Medication - hot flushes, feeling down or irritable, headaches, and restlessness.
• Risks Associated with Pregnancy - including, but not limited to, exhaustion, nausea, indigestion, constipation, weight gain, bloating, backaches, difficulty sleeping, breast pain, higher blood pressure, hormonal mood changes, stretch marks, loose skin, abdominal and vaginal muscle weakness, varicose veins, pre-eclampsia, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, anemia, embolism, cardiopulmonary arrest, placental abruption, molar pregnancy, future infertility, and permanent disability*
* These risks are all the same for a traditional pregnancy and surrogate pregnancy
• Ultrasound Examinations - no known risks, minimal discomfort
• Carrying Multiples - multiple births carry risks to the health of the mother and the unborn babies.